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Artifical Intelligence - preliminary models
Will there come a day when artificial intelligence (AI) will change the way we study and understand biological structures like bones and tissues ? Can we, on the dawn of AI revolution, predict its potential in, for example, routine medical imaging data segmentation used for 3D printing ? AI is…
Presenting ACCEDE at M3d+it 2024
Travěnec - 3D manufacturing at the simulation centre of Masaryk University - training and innovation for medicineTravěnec - 3D manufacturing at the simulation centre of Masaryk University - training and innovation for medicine.pdf10 MBdownload-circle
Survey Among Students in Bratislava
A test set of 3D-printed models (scapula, mandibula, skull, heart, kidney, aorta, vertebra, femor bone etc) was produced and pilot-tested among the Faculty of Medicine students. We focused on the students of the lower years of study who just either have anatomy course of passed it recently. Over…
As part of the Erasmus+ Project ACCEDE, an innovative 3D-printed stomach model was developed and successfully presented at the simulation congress InSIM 2024 in Reutlingen (Germany) through a scientific poster. The demonstrated model, created using 3D printing technology and medical imaging data…
Practical ACCEDE Workshop at SIMPO 2024
Představení SIMU a ACCEDEPředstavení SIMU a ACCEDE.pdf7 MBdownload-circle
The First Slovak Conference on Medical Education and Simulations, SIMEDICA 2024, took place on September 5, 2024, at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak republic. The program included: * Presentations from simulation centers across faculties and partner institutions…
Presenting Anatomical Models to Little Scientists
Představení SIMU a ACCEDEPředstavení SIMU a ACCEDE.pdf7 MBdownload-circle
SESAM Annual Meeting Workshop
Friday afternoon at the SESAM Annual Meeting was marked by 3D printing. The workshop "3D printing of anatomical models - methods from the collaborative Erasmus+ project ACCEDE (Anatomically aCCuratE 3D modEls)" was held from 13:15 in room D6. The workshop aimed to introduce the participants to 3…
Presenting the Project at MEFANET Conference
Travěnec, Pospíšill - Anatomically Accurate 3D ModelsTravěnec, Pospíšill - Anatomically Accurate 3D Models.pdf3 MBdownload-circle
3rd Workshop of ACCEDE
The project team consisting of LF MU Brno, Comenius University in Bratislava and Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich participated in a third and final workshop of the Erasmus+ ACCEDE project from October 4th to 6th which this time took place at facilities in Munich. The workshop opened with a…
Practical 3D Printing Workshop at SIMPO 2023
Travěnec - Role 3D tisku v medicínském vzděláváníTravěnec - Role 3D tisku v medicínském vzdělávání.pdf6 MBdownload-circle
2nd Workshop of ACCEDE
At the end of May 2023, partners of ACCEDE project ((LF MU Brno, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich) met for the second time in Bratislava. The meeting took three days - on the first day the partners presented their activities, on the second day a several…
1st Workshop of ACCEDE
The last weekend of March 2023 at SIMU was in the spirit of 3D printing. On 25-27 March, the 1st workshop of the ACCEDE (Anatomically aCCuratE 3D modEls, Erasmus+ programme) project took place, combining knowledge and skills in 3D printing and teaching at medical faculties across partner…