1st Workshop of ACCEDE
The last weekend of March 2023 at SIMU was in the spirit of 3D printing.
On 25-27 March, the 1st workshop of the ACCEDE (Anatomically aCCuratE 3D modEls, Erasmus+ programme) project took place, combining knowledge and skills in 3D printing and teaching at medical faculties across partner institutions (LF MU Brno, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich).
During the first day of the workshop, all partners and their activities within 3D printing were introduced followed by a tour of the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno. The second day was dedicated to 3D printing, a trip into the history and current trends. Anatomical data acquisition was also presented and during the practical part of the day, participants could try transforming such data into printable 3D models.
The last day of the event was devoted to several discussions, where in the so-called focus groups participants debated the topics of selecting suitable models for printing, how the output of the project should look like and the structure of the portal where all models will be published. Before the workshop was fully concluded, a short evaluation and feedback of the past three 3D printing days was completed.