Syndromal Craniosteosis – Crouson Syndrome – After Posterior Vault Decompression
Crouson syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by the premature fusion of skull bones (craniosynostosis), leading to an abnormal head shape. It is often associated with facial abnormalities, such as wide-set eyes and a beaked nose, as well as potential vision and hearing problems. Intellectual development is typically normal, but some individuals may have learning difficulties.
This model represents a congenital defect of cranial formation containing bicoronal craniostenosis after posterior vault decompression surgery. This leads to incorrect shape of skull, may result in intracranial hypertension at older age. Typically, metopic suture remains open for prolonged period of time.
The model contains one .STL file corresponding to Crouson syndrome after posterior vault decompression. The model is rather bulky, its size is 212 MB and for the printing we do recommend larger 3D printer.